Monday, May 20, 2013

Riverside Park - Weddings At The 79th Street Boat Basin

Riverside Park
In the 1870s Frederick Law Olmsted was in the midst of designing a lovely green space above the Hudson River on the Upper West Side of Manhattan — Riverside Park.  Today, the Park we enjoy is more than 330 acres of beautiful parkland from 59th to 155th Street. Each of the levels has a distinct character and hosts specific activities.

Strollers particularly enjoy the volunteer-maintained gardens at 83rd Street, 

The Garden People’s plantings at 91st Street and the allée of sycamore and London Plane-trees from 101st to 110th Street.
 A community garden inside the park at 138th Street delights those who discover it. 
The 79th Street Boat Basin, the view's the thing—especially the view of the sun as it gorgeously sinks behind the Palisades every clear night. This is the Upper West Side's unofficial summer HQ, full of grill smoke and dogs on leashes and babies in carriages.
 It's loud, Fun  and the food is basic BBQ.

To Book Your New York City Or
Central Park Wedding
Reach out to
917 355 0689

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